Lessons from the past for a stronger tomorrow.
3GMiami helps students apply the lessons of the Holocaust to their lives today and be upstanders in the face of hatred, bigotry and antisemitism. We are grandchildren of Holocaust Survivors, third generation descendants, sharing the personal stories and survivor testimonies’ of our grandparents.
3GMiami focuses on educating children in grades 6-12 about the perils of intolerance. With the rise of antisemitism and discrimination against many groups, 3GMiami hopes that their work and voice can make a meaningful difference in Miami and beyond.
3GMiami is a program of the Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach.
Request a Speaker
Are you a teacher or organization leader?
Our professionally trained speakers are actively speaking in Miami-Dade school classrooms. We focus on grades 6-12 and attend schools of any denomination. Offering personal survivor testimony is a meaningful component of Holocaust education and has a significant impact on students’ citizenship values.
Become a Speaker
Are you the grandchild of a Holocaust survivor?
As grandchildren of Holocaust survivors, we have the opportunity to carry on the legacy of our grandparents by sharing their stories of survival with others. Help preserve these lessons and ensure the importance of “Never Forget” and “Never Again”. Find out more about our professionally led speaker training program.
OUR MISSION is to educate students about the perils of intolerance. We empower the grandchildren of Holocaust survivors to share the stories and testimonies of their grandparents’ survival.